The X-Ray Project

The X-Ray Project is a photography exhibit that uses actual X-rays and CT-scans from the two largest hospitals in Jerusalem to explore the effects of terrorism on A civilian population.

Injuries to Hips, Knees and Legs
1. Multiple hex nuts in pelvis
2. Enlargement of hip injury and broken femur
3. Hex nut in spine
4. Nails in knee
5. Both femurs (thigh bones) are broken in multiple places and many pieces of shrapnel in thighs
6. Many pieces of shrapnel in leg

Series of Magnification Images of Hip and Severely Broken Leg
Top 3: Series of magnification images of hip and severely broken leg and multiple hex nuts (Center and top Right show artery damage)
Bottom: Broken calf bone and artery damage
40x32" Duratrans film

Portrait Study 30x32"

Smashed Hand and Arm With Life Threatening Artery Damage 42x30" Duratrans film

Top: CT axial image showing fragments in the brain, internal bleeding and severe swelling
Bottom: Metal in brain

Shrapnel, common household objects packed into bombs 11x14 Plexiglass box

X-Ray View of Multiple Hex Nuts in Pelvis
CT scan segments show relative locations.
1. CT scan: metal in left flank at level of kidney
2. CT scan: metal in left flank at upper pelvis
Top middle: metal embedded in left pelvis bone just above hip joint
4. CT scan: metal in hip bone with fracture, "black air" at entry point
5. CT scan: metal in hip bone with fracture, "black air" at entry point

This x-ray was necessary because a hex nut from a terrorist bomb tore into the calf bone of a civilian. We do not know if the victims is Jewish, Muslim, Christian or a member of some other faith, nor do we know the victim's age, gender or socio-economic status. We don't know how the victim happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Artists have always commented on war and violence. Goya’s portfolio, The Disasters of War, is perhaps the most graphic, but there are examples from the ancient Greeks through Picasso’s Guernica and beyond. And almost as soon as it became technically possible, the studio of photographer Mathew Brady made a record of the Civil War, including hundreds of images of soldiers in battle and in death. This tradition has continued throughout every conflict to the present day.
Photography is a way of making an image by drawing with the very light that the objects reflect, so when we look at photographs from the Civil War battlefield of Antietam, we see something very close to the horror of the scenes as they appeared to the photographer. We see records of actual events.
Modern medicine draws not with the visible light spectrum that we use in photography, but with electro-magnetic radiation - X-rays and CT scans – and with this we can see inside the human body.
Apart from the relentless need to see reality, artists also want to comment upon it. In the early part of the 20th century, artists began to piece together common objects that didn’t belong together, examining new meanings from the new combinations. Marcel DuChamp famously mounted a bicycle wheel onto a footstool, rendering them both useless. These were thought pieces, verbal and visual jokes.
The X-rays and CT scans in this exhibit are new ways to make figurative images and portraits. They represent life in the modern cross-section of these artistic traditions – both the desire to observe and describe reality with the most modern techniques available, and the need to think and talk about it. All of these images are the by-products of terrorism, which is a war on a civilian population. Terrorists pack their bombs with common objects – hex nuts, bolts, nails, watches – all meant for peaceful, utilitarian purposes. By blasting them into human beings, they create the madness of our times.
50x40" Duratrans film

Man and Woman, Terror Attack Victims 30x32"

Figure Studies 32x40"

A Very Sick Child
Pulmonary edema (fluid in lungs), screws in left arm and chest wall

1-3 Head injury to 4 year old child, shrapnel penetrating skull
4-5 Hex nuts in foot and leg of 16 year old, fractures
6 (Left) Shrapnel in brain of 17 year old
Piece: 32x40"

40x32" Duratrans film
Left: Metal fragment in right side of abdomen at level of liver and right kidney, shrapnel, right, lower abdomen, metal in pelvis
Right: Curved metal fragments at level of left kidney, and shrapnel in right upper pelvis

Head Trauma - 3 views of the same individual

Hex nut in area of armpit and chest x-ray
Left: Two hex nuts in the axila (armpit) Possible artery and nerve damage
Right: Three metal objects in chest, collapsed lung (see chest tube) Air in chest wall at entry point
40x32" Duratrans

Left: Frontal view of nail in right chest wall
Right: Lateral view of nail in right chest wall
32x40" Duratrans

Left: Child 8-10 years old Right: Ball bearing on foot
40x32" Duratrans film

Smashed Arm, Damaged Leg, Broken Foot
Left: Large piece of shrapnel, comminuted, angulated fracture of the distal radius
Right: Lateral view of ankle, multiple fragments of shrapnel, leg and foot broken in multiple places, fractured distal tibia, and fifth metatarsal and cuboid.
Duratrans image 32x40"

Metal bolt in spine and hex nut in lateral chest x-ray
40x32" Duratrans

Carotid artery (pink line) severed by shrapnel. Blood loss, possible brain damage.

Above Left:Severely Damaged Leg, hex nuts (used as shrapnel) visible
Top Right: Shrapnel in Knee Area
Bottom Right: Fractured Elbow

Left: Bone fragment in right chest wall, armpit. Scapular fracture, metal fragment at the level of the heart.
Right: Metal object (bullet?) in right lower chest, next to heart.
40x32" Duratrans film

Nail in Neck, Duratrans film

Bullet in Chest, terror victim